Heading for the Light
Missouri has long been the bellwether of American politics, predicting presidents and anticipating trends – and lately, it’s been the bellwether of American decline. This week Gaslit Nation welcomes Jason Kander, a former Missouri Secretary of State, Missouri Democratic Senate candidate, voting and veterans’ rights advocate, and bestselling author. Kander’s new book, Invisible Storm: A Soldier's Memoir of Politics and PTSD, is a raw and moving account of his battle with PTSD as well as a thoughtful overview of US politics and media. This is an unusual book for a politician to write, but Kander is not your average politician, which is one reason we were excited to welcome him to the show. (Also you should buy his book: all royalties go to the Veterans Community Project, a nonprofit organization serving homeless and at-risk veterans.)
Sarah and Jason discuss the problems plaguing Missouri and how they are a microcosm of problems facing the nation; the false binary politics of “red” and “blue” states; how the Democrats can win in states like Missouri that are often written off as lost causes; the perils of media fame and social media depersonalization; the mass trauma of the pandemic and climate catastrophes and how it affects Americans; and what folks struggling with PTSD or depression need to know.
For our bonus episode this week, we continue our Q&A with our Patreon subscribers. To ask a question, subscribe at the Democracy Defender level or higher; to get access to bonus episodes every week (and the hundreds in our archive), subscribe at the Truth-Teller level or higher. Patreon subscribers are what keep Gaslit Nation going! They allow us to keep the show free and accessible to all, and we thank you for your support!
We will be back in September with our regular shows analyzing the latest corruption in the news as well as an interview and excerpt from Sarah’s new book, THEY KNEW, which comes out September 13. To preorder the book and see tour dates and more, check out this website: www.sarahkendziorbooks.com
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Under the Red Sky
In this episode, we take a break from our ongoing analysis of why the DOJ won’t prosecute a coup-plotting career criminal nuke fetishist who has confessed to his crimes dozens of times to turn our attention to the ongoing genocide of Ukraine by Russia. August 22 marked the six-month anniversary of Russia’s escalated invasion, and the body count is immense – not only among Ukrainians murdered by Russian imperialists and Russian soldiers sacrificed by their own government, but in the mysterious deaths of those caught up in the middle.
We begin the show with an examination of Dan Rapoport, an American businessman who worked in Ukraine and who supported its fight for sovereignty, who was found dead under strange circumstances this month. We run through the long list of “suicides” and murders among people who interacted with Russia and the Trump Crime Cult (previously discussed in our episode Dirty World) and comment on the culture of political violence that has risen in the US over the past decade.
We then review the career of Aleksandr Dugin, who is a “controversial philosopher” much in the way Jeffrey Epstein was a “disgraced financier.”Dugin is a fascist whose goals align with the brutal imperialist ambitions of Putin’s Kremlin. While overrated as an influence, he is still an important figure both symbolically and pragmatically, bolstering a far-right movement worldwide. The assassination of his daughter Darya Dugina in a manner reminiscent of Russia’s car bomb 1990s has spurred numerous theories about who was responsible. (Russia, unsurprisingly, has blamed Ukraine on baseless grounds.) We speculate about the repercussions of the murder as well as the broader direction of this deadly war.
Our bonus episode is another Q&A with our listeners! We do these every week and it’s a great opportunity to ask your own questions and make sure the topics you’re interested in get covered. Bonus episodes are available to listeners at the Truth-Teller level or higher. Please consider signing up and keeping Gaslit Nation going!
Also – get ready, Sarah’s new book THEY KNEW is coming out in less than a month! You can preorder a signed version and check out book tour information at this website. We will also be doing a Gaslit Nation episode on the book and playing an audiobook excerpt as a bonus episode, so stay tuned!
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Devil's Been Busy
It’s been over a week since the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago to retrieve highly sensitive classified documents concerning nuclear materials and we’re so glad that career criminal Kremlin asset Trump is finally behind bars – just kidding, they’re still letting him run around and do whatever! This week we review the criminal investigation into Trump and his crime cult, which is once against faltering, whether in NYC in the pseudo “plea deal” granted to Alan Weisselberg, or in the refusal to stop the immediate threat Trump, Kushner, Ivanka, and the rest pose not only to the United States, but to the entire world.
We review new details of the raid, warn about Trump’s successful manipulation of the media narrative, and focus on two key players – Ivanka and Jared, who were installed in the White House thanks to Merrick Garland’s BFF Jamie Gorelick. Kushner has since made illicit two billion dollar deals with Saudi Arabia and had fallen under House investigation for illicit nuclear deals in 2019. (Remember when the Oversight Committee investigated things?!) We warn that the classified information that has been stolen and weaponized is not limited to the physical documents that the DOJ took its sweet time retrieving from Mar-a-Lago. We dig deep into the dirty dealings of the Trump spawn and their partners, and also look at Trump’s own obsession with nuclear weapons, which dates back over forty years. This is a very dangerous situation!
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Last Night
The road to Mar-a-Lago has always been riddled with crime – and now, finally, the FBI has decided to take it. Eighteen months after Trump illegally took classified material from the White House, spurring urgent demands for their return from the National Archives, the DOJ decided it was time to retrieve them, and noted correctly that Trump would not surrender the materials voluntarily.
This uncharacteristically bold action from the DOJ prompts a number of questions, like: why not do this sooner? Will the state secrets stolen and crimes committed by the rest of the Trump Crime Cult also be addressed? Why did Trump make a mysterious social media post in July about August 8, the day of the raid? What are the right-wing fanatics and militants going to do in response to this move? Will this raid be any different than the previous ones Garland’s DOJ did on Giuliani, Deripaska, DiGenova, and others who are still running around committing or enabling crimes?
After hashing out the raid, Andrea gives a special report on Amnesty International’s turn as Kremlin propaganda outlet, and delves into the shady realm of NGOs and media outlets who justify Russian war crimes while feigning neutrality. The demonization of independent Ukraine in the West has a long history, and we’re going to explore it more (especially CBS, who piggy-backed on the Amnesty report with its own propaganda) in an upcoming episode.
This episode was the first *LIVE* Gaslit Nation ever! We thank our Patreon supporters at the Democracy Defender level or higher who joined us and spent an hour asking us questions after. Those questions will be aired in a bonus episode next week for subscribers at the Truth-Teller level or higher. We also have a new bonus episode out this week in which we discuss the recent primary elections and Kansas’s vote for protecting reproductive rights, Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, and more. We thank you for your support!
For those who want to know what transpired that night Andrea's film Mr. Jones was set to be blasted at the Russian Embassy Press Office in Washington, DC, check out the recorded livestream here.
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Tweeter and the Monkey Man
Welcome to a Gaslit Nation special episode that wil bury you with stone cold facts! Over the past eighteen months, we have faced incredulity and even threats when detailing the shady background of Merrick Garland and his ineffectiveness as Biden’s attorney general. But unlike the DOJ, we welcome requests for proof and have provided it here!
This episode puts all our Merrick Garland exposes in one place, including segments on 1) his failures to bring justice in Biden’s DOJ 2) his decades-long history with corrupt operative Jamie Gorelick, the lawyer for Ivanka and Jared and a protégé of Alan Dershowitz 3) the decades-long propaganda campaign to present him as a stalwart crusader who solved the Oklahoma City bombing 4) his refusal to use the Mueller Report to indict Trump and members of his cohort for obstruction of justice 5) his lackluster pursuit of white supremacist militants 5) why certain GOP operatives, including those in the Trump Crime Cult, want him in charge.
It’s been a long eighteen months, and Americans have found out the hard way that nobody gives a damn. Officials have feigned shock to avoid accountability: when the walls came down, all the way to hell, the reaction of the DOJ was: “Never saw them when they’re standing, never saw them when they fell.” Here at Gaslit Nation, we would like to respond that everyone of you’s a liar, and if you don’t surrender now, it’s going to go down to the wire. We do not abide a system in which anything is legal as long as you don’t get caught (and apparently, even if you do get caught!)
Gaslit Nation will be back with a new episode next week, but be sure to check out our recent episodes including “Handle With Care”, “Rattled”, “End of the Line” and “Dirty World”!
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Handle With Care
The January 6th Hearings are a ratings bonanza. It’s a shame Democrats didn’t do more prime time hearings into Trump corruption sooner, following the Blue Wave of 2018. We told them then that the American people demand long overdue justice, and hearings are a great way of building public outcry to insist on accountability. Unfortunately, hearings can also be a way to rewrite history and rehabilitate reputations. Sarah breaks down the disturbing parallels between the 9/11 hearings and the January 6 hearings to provide warning signs of justice being denied. Another reminder of why we must handle our democracy with care.
We also discuss American patriot and veteran Reality Winner who must be unconditionally pardoned by President Biden. Reality Winner sacrificed her career and freedom to leak a classified report on Russia’s attack on our election in 2016, a report that should never have been classified in the first place as the information had to be acted upon by election officials and vendors across the country. Vulnerabilities needed to be fixed. Reality Winner made sure the information got out, and she paid a high price for doing so. Her whistleblowing led to long overdue security measures that helped protect our elections in 2018. We need more patriots like her. President Biden must do the right thing by pardoning Reality Winner, a veteran who risked all to protect us in a time of chaos, growing autocracy, and dysfunction.
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Dirty World
This week we take on shady internal affairs (the enormous number of people in the Trump crime cult circle who died violent or mysterious deaths) and burning external affairs (the horrors of climate change and Joe Manchin’s role in destroying the planet). But before we get to that, we examine yet more confirmation of what we already knew – that Merrick Garland is a mafia state enabler. We discuss the leaked DOJ memo that Rachel Maddow discussed on her show Monday night, Bill Barr’s influence over the DOJ, and shadow mentor Jamie Gorelick, who is still molding both Garland and the January 6 committee.
Then we review the life of Ivana Trump, who was found dead at the bottom of a stairwell last week. We discuss Donald’s abuse of Ivana during their marriage, the ramifications of it on the Trump children, and how Donald Trump reacted to others who died mysteriously in his midst. (He reacted to Ivana’s death by fundraising off of it.) Then Andrea turns to climate change and things you do can do now to alleviate the damage, as well as advice on what to do politically to encourage reform and a changing of the guard. Make your voices heard and keep the pressure up!
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This week we catch up on developments in two of the main stories we cover on Gaslit Nation: the January 6 Committee hearings, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Sarah breaks down the hits and misses of the hearings thus far, and warns of the hearings being used for reputational rehab for dirty Republicans both in the Trump administration (Barr, Kushner) and outside of it (Liz “Democrats kill live babies” Cheney.) Don’t fall for it! We also address the continued refusal of Merrick Garland’s DOJ to bring perpetrators to justice and how it’s torpedoing Joe Biden’s approval rating. The hearings have done a great job reminding Americans what happened eighteen months ago – and left them wondering why it took eighteen months to address crimes that still go unpunished.
Because we're not dead-soul drones in a deranged lack-of-personality cult, we have a friendly debate over how Biden is doing in office, with each expressing different opinions while still remaining friends. Amazing! We highly recommend randos on the internet pursue this pastime instead of accusing Sarah of murdering Shinzo Abe. We both warn that lack of accountability for the mafia syndicate that infiltrated our country will be kind of a drag on the midterms. We urge people to not only vote, but protest, pressure officials about terrible policies, and plan for survival!
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End of the Line
We’re ba-a-a-ack! Like a poltergeist of civic conscience, Gaslit Nation has returned to tell you all the things you do not want to know but need to hear. We were off for three months while Andrea had a baby (welcome to the family Chloe!) and Sarah had her bodily autonomy signed away by the Attorney General of Missouri. An eventful spring for all!
During this “break” which was not a break thanks to the News Cycle of Constant Doom, we ran an interview series we called the Cassandra series in tribute to all the amazing experts we interviewed whose warnings were not heeded. If you missed it, we urge you to check it out, especially the episodes on reproductive rights. This week, we take stock of the illegitimate SCOTUS, its individual members’ histories of corruption, and its horrific new rulings, in particular the repeal of Roe v Wade. We discuss how this attack on privacy and bodily autonomy is being weaponized by operatives to stoke secessionist movements and civil war, and how destructive it would be to fall for these dark ploys. We review the attack on the citizens of hostage states by GOP state legislatures who throw away the votes of the people and consider what that means for 2022 and 2024. Remember, folks, America is purple despite what the propagandists tell you. It's all right, even if they say you're wrong -- it's all right, sometimes you gotta be strong!
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The War on History Teachers: The Sari Beth Rosenberg Interview
Public school teachers have one of the hardest jobs in America right now. For two years, they have contended with a politicized pandemic, a manufactured culture war over “critical race theory”, and violent threats aimed at school board members and other officials. This is all in addition to the low pay and budget cuts that they’ve dealt with for decades! So show your teachers some support and respect!
This week Sari Beth Rosenberg, a high school history teacher in New York and activist on the democracy frontlines, shares her thoughts on the past two chaotic years and the current challenges America’s schools face. Sari and Andrea discuss book banning and the “anti-CRT” attacks on accurate history as well as the role teachers can play in educating students about authoritarianism. In addition to being an educator, Rosenberg is the host of the PBS Newshour Extra Educator Series and a curriculum consultant on history and social studies. She holds a B.A. from Columbia College, Columbia University and a M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University.
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Fight Back with The States Project - Part II
In a two-part discussion, this week we’re joined by two experts on the frontlines of fighting for our democracy on the all critical state level. If you want to fight for our democracy and prevent the slide into authoritarianism, clean up your local state government! How to proceed? Two experts from The States Project – Melissa Walker, a widely read author for teen novels turned democracy defender, and the Head of Giving Circles, and Aaron Kleinman, the Director of Research – are here to tell you. Walker and Kleinman address structural impediments to democracy – including gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the composition of the Senate – as well as challenges from dark money shadow networks and astroturf protests. They also give advice on navigating state politics and staying strong in the midst of this onslaught on our rights. We need all hands on deck for 2022, and an informed public is a powerful public!
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Fight Back with The States Project - Part I
In a two-part discussion, this week we’re joined by two experts on the frontlines of fighting for our democracy on the all critical state level. If you want to fight for our democracy and prevent the slide into authoritarianism, clean up your local state government! How to proceed? Two experts from The States Project – Melissa Walker, a widely read author for teen novels turned democracy defender, and the Head of Giving Circles, and Aaron Kleinman, the Director of Research – are here to tell you. Walker and Kleinman address structural impediments to democracy – including gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the composition of the Senate – as well as challenges from dark money shadow networks and astroturf protests. They also give advice on navigating state politics and staying strong in the midst of this onslaught on our rights. We need all hands on deck for 2022, and an informed public is a powerful public!
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Democracy in Chains: The Nancy MacLean Interview - Part II
This is Part II of our interview. In this two-part interview, we take a deep dive into a right-wing hellhole with acclaimed scholar Nancy MacLean, the author of the bestseller Democracy in Chains, which discusses how anti-democratic networks run by powerful plutocrats came to hold the United States hostage. MacLean discusses the Koch dark money network and its shadowy political partners, the decades-long libertarian takeover of the Republican Party by far-right mercenaries, the infrastructure of this extremist network and how it has sustained itself for so long, the rise of the neo-confederacy, and the dystopian plans billionaires have for the American future. We also get MacLean’s opinions on recent crises like the pandemic, the Trump Crime Cult’s Capitol attack, and the assault on voting rights. And of course we ask her how we best battle these insidious adversaries, break America’s Koch addiction, and get our country back!
Dr. Nancy MacLean is an award-winning scholar of the twentieth-century United States, a distinguished professor of History and Public Policy at Duke University, and the author of the modern-day classic, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America. Booklist called it “perhaps the best explanation to date of the roots of the political divide that threatens to irrevocably alter American government.” MacLean is the author of four other books, including Freedom is Not Enough: The Opening of the American Workplace, called by the Chicago Tribune "contemporary history at its best,” and Behind the Mask of Chivalry: The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan, named a New York Times "noteworthy" book of 1994. Her articles and review essays have appeared in American Quarterly, The Boston Review, Feminist Studies, Gender & History, In These Times, International Labor and Working Class History, and many edited collections.
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Democracy in Chains: The Nancy MacLean Interview - Part I
In this two-part interview, we take a deep dive into a right-wing hellhole with acclaimed scholar Nancy MacLean, the author of the bestseller Democracy in Chains, which discusses how anti-democratic networks run by powerful plutocrats came to hold the United States hostage. MacLean discusses the Koch dark money network and its shadowy political partners, the decades-long libertarian takeover of the Republican Party by far-right mercenaries, the infrastructure of this extremist network and how it has sustained itself for so long, the rise of the neo-confederacy, and the dystopian plans billionaires have for the American future. We also get MacLean’s opinions on recent crises like the pandemic, the Trump Crime Cult’s Capitol attack, and the assault on voting rights. And of course we ask her how we best battle these insidious adversaries, break America’s Koch addiction, and get our country back!
Dr. Nancy MacLean is an award-winning scholar of the twentieth-century United States, a distinguished professor of History and Public Policy at Duke University, and the author of the modern-day classic, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America. Booklist called it “perhaps the best explanation to date of the roots of the political divide that threatens to irrevocably alter American government.” MacLean is the author of four other books, including Freedom is Not Enough: The Opening of the American Workplace, called by the Chicago Tribune "contemporary history at its best,” and Behind the Mask of Chivalry: The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan, named a New York Times "noteworthy" book of 1994. Her articles and review essays have appeared in American Quarterly, The Boston Review, Feminist Studies, Gender & History, In These Times, International Labor and Working Class History, and many edited collections.
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Protect the LGBTQ Community: An Interview with Chase Strangio of the ACLU
Despite the Democrats holding the presidency, Senate and House, LGBTQ rights are in greater danger than they have been in over a decade. The revival of the right-wing culture wars along with sustained court packing by Republican radicals has put hard-won rights in jeopardy. Gaslit Nation welcomes Chase Strangio of the ACLU to break down the legal landscape of LGBTQ rights in the US today, including challenges to the legal right to gay marriage, the battle for transgender rights, and the religious extremism of today’s Supreme Court majority. He also addresses what ordinary Americans can do to preserve equal rights for all. Strangio is Deputy Director for Transgender Justice with the ACLU's LGBT & HIV Project and a history-making expert on transgender rights. He is the lawyer behind the historic June 2020 Supreme Court ruling protecting LGBTQ rights in the workplace and in 2020, was in Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world.
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Help Ukraine by Cleaning Up Western Corruption: The Maksym Eristavi Interview
In this interview conducted a few weeks before Russia’s escalation of its invasion of Ukraine, Eastern European journalist and writer Maksym Eristavi explains the social and political crises that led the world to this point. Andrea and Maksym discuss corruption in Ukraine, how the Kremlin has weaponized that corruption, and how corruption in Ukraine is an enduring legacy of Russian genocidal colonialism, and how the West can help Ukraine by cleaning up its own corruption. They also discuss Ukraine’s efforts to build a free and just civil society despite corruption, in particular ongoing initiatives to preserve LGBTQ rights. This interview provides vital historical context on the ongoing regional conflict.
Maksym Eristavi is an Eastern European journalist and writer. His work explores the intersection of identity politics, disinformation and Russian colonialism. A self-described 'bridge-builder', he amplifies and explains stories from global frontline battles for equal human and civil rights. He is a Transatlantic Leadership fellow with the Center of European Policy Analysis, a DC-based foreign policy think-tank; co-founder of the Free Press for Eastern Europe that manages the largest hub for independent journalism in Eastern Europe; a former policy adviser at the European Parliament; writer for Washington Post, Politico, Foreign Policy, among others and sits on the managing board of Kyiv Pride, the biggest pride event in Eastern Europe. Eristavi is a 2015 Poynter fellow at Yale University with a focus on informational wars and pan-regional LGBTI civil rights movements.
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Shadow Network: The Anne Nelson Interview - Part II
This is Part II of our discussion. Gaslit Nation is excited to welcome Anne Nelson, an expert on American right-wing aspiring autocrats who has been warning about the conditions that led to our present national crisis for our entire adult lives! Yes, you should have listened to Anne Nelson’s warnings earlier but it’s never too late to start. In this crash course in America’s secret history, Nelson describes a radical right-wing takeover that was decades in the making. She explains the nefarious financial and political alliances that arose during the Reagan administration and still guide the US today, the rise of the religious right over the past five decades, “shadow network” think tanks like the Council for National Policy, and the infusion of dark money in politics. She also describes the ineffective response of the Democratic Party to Republican extremists, the January 6 attack on America, and what steps we can take to preserve our democracy.
Anne Nelson is the author of Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right, and a lecturer in the fields of international affairs, media and human rights. As a journalist she covered the conflicts in El Salvador and Guatemala, and won the Livingston Award for best international reporting from the Philippines. She served as the director of the Committee to Protect Journalists. In 1995, she became the director of the international program at the Columbia School of Journalism, where she created the first curriculum in human rights reporting. Her 2009 book Red Orchestra describes the way media was used for both propaganda and resistance in Nazi Germany. She writes regularly for the Washington Spectator and you can read her work there.
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Shadow Network: The Anne Nelson Interview - Part I
Gaslit Nation is excited to welcome Anne Nelson, an expert on American right-wing aspiring autocrats who has been warning about the conditions that led to our present national crisis for our entire adult lives! Yes, you should have listened to Anne Nelson’s warnings earlier but it’s never too late to start. In this crash course in America’s secret history, Nelson describes a radical right-wing takeover that was decades in the making. She explains the nefarious financial and political alliances that arose during the Reagan administration and still guide the US today, the rise of the religious right over the past five decades, “shadow network” think tanks like the Council for National Policy, and the infusion of dark money in politics. She also describes the ineffective response of the Democratic Party to Republican extremists, the January 6 attack on America, and what steps we can take to preserve our democracy.
Anne Nelson is the author of Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right, and a lecturer in the fields of international affairs, media and human rights. As a journalist she covered the conflicts in El Salvador and Guatemala, and won the Livingston Award for best international reporting from the Philippines. She served as the director of the Committee to Protect Journalists. In 1995, she became the director of the international program at the Columbia School of Journalism, where she created the first curriculum in human rights reporting. Her 2009 book Red Orchestra describes the way media was used for both propaganda and resistance in Nazi Germany. She writes regularly for the Washington Spectator and you can read her work there.
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The Assault on Reproductive Rights: An Interview with Imani Gandy and Jessica Mason Pieklo
Next year, 2023, will mark the 50-year anniversary of the landmark Roe v Wade case…if it is not overturned by then. Gaslit Nation welcomes Imani Gandy and Jessica Mason Pieklo, the cohosts of the podcast Boom! Lawyered, to explain the ongoing attack on reproductive rights, why prior warnings were not heeded, and what actions we can take to fight back now. We discuss the long-term Republican takeover of the courts, the questionable legitimacy of the Supreme Court, the connections between the erosion of reproductive rights and the strengthening of an autocratic surveillance state, new laws legalizing violent vigilantism against women in states like Texas, why the media played down these threats, how the Democrats should respond, and much more!
Imani Gandy is Senior Editor of Law and Policy for Rewire News Group, where she covers law and courts and co-hosts the RNG podcast Boom! Lawyered. Imani is a recovering attorney turned award-winning journalist and political blogger. Previously, Imani founded Angry Black Lady Chronicles, winner of the 2010 Black Weblog Award for Blog to Watch and the 2012 Black Weblog Award for Best Political Blog. She received her JD from University of Virginia School of Law in 2001. Jessica Mason Pieklo is a Senior Vice President and Executive Editor and the co-host of Boom! Lawyered. Jessica has over a decade of experience as a former litigator, and taught law for four years before transitioning to journalism. She was part of the SCOTUSblog symposium on abortion rights following Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt and won the Excellence in Online Journalism award in 2018 from the Association of LGBTQ Journalists. Boom! Lawyered won Podcast of the Year in 2017 from the Population Institute.
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Targeted by the Mafia State: An Interview With Cheri Jacobus
Back in 2015 and 2016, as the GOP caved to the Trump crime cult and the mainstream media normalized their corrupt ambitions, a few voices from the right rose up in dissent. One of the leading lights in this regard was Cheri Jacobus, a political commentator and former Republican who was an early target of Trump’s vicious campaign and its propaganda machine. Currently a registered Independent, Cheri was the founder, President, and Executive Producer of “America Reads The Mueller Report” and the former host of the podcast “Politics with Cheri Jacobus”. She remains an outspoken critic of the Trump crime cult and its enablers.
In this interview, we discuss Trump’s rise to power, how the GOP facilitated it, and the mafia tactics the Trump team uses to try to silence their critics. We pay particular attention to early campaign advisors like Roger Stone and Michael Caputo, who targeted Cheri personally as she fought to bring the truth to light. We also discuss the FBI, the Mueller probe, Merrick Garland’s DOJ, and the general failure to enforce accountability. Cheri also shares her thoughts on the “Never Trump” Republicans, the Lincoln Project, and the hypocrisy of George Conway. She gives us a behind the scenes look at how the mainstream media did Trump’s bidding – in particular, Jeff Zucker of CNN. (This interview was taped before Zucker resigned in disgrace.) We also discuss what’s worth fighting for in America today and what values transcend party lines.
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